Pumpkin: Reimagining Pet Adoption and Adjustment

Carrie Bruce
Prachi Chopde, Karla Gil, Yuwei Li

When pets are adopted or rehomed, both pet owners and pets have to undergo an adjustment phase. Pet owners without experience might find this phase difficult and overwhelming. Behavioral problems in pets also frequently stem from the resulting changes in the lifestyle, culture, and environment. For example, imagine a dog being rehomed from a Russian speaking family to an English-speaking family. Our research investigates how we might create a pet-centric solution to support the pet adoption and adjustment phase and alleviate stress for pet owners and pets during the adoption process.

Richard Henneman, Carrie Bruce
Nearly 100

Students in Georgia Tech's interdisciplinary MS in Human-Computer Interaction program do multiple group class projects, and a capstone individual project. Some projects are presented as part of other labs listed here; others are showcased in the MS-HCI Project Lab.

The two-year program spans four schools: Industrial Design; Interactive Computing; Literature, Media and Communications (Digital Media Program); and Psychology. Approximately 50 new students enroll each fall semester.