inspirit: Virtual Reality for Learning

Neha Kumar
Aditya Vishwanath

Our research examines the role that low-cost virtual reality technology could play in supporting learning in low-resource contexts. Specifically, we propose to study the potential of creating affordable virtual reality-based learning experiences for children in these contexts. There has been a rising penetration of low-cost mobile technologies and internet connectivity in under-resourced communities, and this motivates us to explore the feasibility of virtual reality as a medium to enhance learning experiences for low-resource contexts. Keeping this in mind, we introduce inspirit - a free mobile platform for hosting VR-based learning content for the classroom. Please visit us at and download our mobile application from the Google Play Store.

Neha Kumar

In the TanDEm lab, we focus on matters relating to the design, deployment, adoption, and use of technologies towards empowerment - of underserved and under-represented communities in resource-constrained regions across the world.